SUMMARY: THIRD Week of Summer 2020! - Classes and Tours! - EXTRAS! - Volunteering Opportunities - Did you know? - The MOST important part of being a CSA member is... - Donate today! - Weekly Updates and Harvest for the Week - What to expect NEXT Week.
Week 3 - THIRD Week of Summer CSA 2020!

Hello Dear CSA Members! Well, it's another beautiful week in the hot, hot sun, and another great week to farm! Things are coming along but we are starting to see a ton of pest pressure and heat stress on the plants as we continue this period of hot drought.. This has been a very hot and dry summer so far and the crops are taking the hit. The harvest this week will be bountiful, however, and you can be assured that your shares will be beautiful - but I wouldn't be surprised to see a few losses as the season progresses. On the plus, plus, plus side: We have been swimming in tomatoes lately! That means that this week, members should all, or nearly all, get a lb and we will have more to sell. We will also be considering selling tomato seconds if anyone is interested. $1.50/lb for seconds when available. We will also be having a ton of extra veggies available for sale (see below). IMPORTANT: We are desperate for some volunteers this week. This week we lost one bag packing volunteer indefinitely and two of our weeding volunteers to vacations. If you are interested in helping as a farm volunteer, please reply to this e-mail and let us know. Thanks! Enjoy your share this week and don't forget to join the fun and share your recipes and pictures in the Facebook Community Group! _________________________________

Lot's of Extra Veggie's Available for Purchase at Your CSA Location! Thank you everyone who supported us this past week and purchased all of the extras! Because last week was such a success we will be bringing even more this week. This week we will have extra of almost every vegetable we harvest from tomatoes to carrots to beets and micro greens. For Payment: Cash or Check at the drops or the balance can be sent via PayPal to or via Venmo to 719-233-7828 or by paying with credit card over the phone. (As with any new program, we may have bumps. Please be patient as we refine the program, possibly making adjustments based on the interest of the members.) __________________________________

I don't know about you, but I know that I am missing the market style CSA experience a TON! We really want to make this happen and we want to do it safely and without hiccups so we have decided that to do this correctly we need to do a slow rollout. That means we are going to start by taking your signups. We will then do it at the Farm first and then move to other locations. A big change like this is going to take a lot of work and we don't want to screw it up! So please be patient as we make announcements going forward. So, what will it be? It will be an open market CSA like we have had in the past, only all the items will be pre-bagged or bunched with a handful of exceptions (tomatoes etc.). This will allow the members to make faster selections and make their way through the lines without having to weigh all the greens etc. Members will now have choice in their CSA and be able to select what they want or don't want. This is a great way to more thoroughly enjoy your CSA and also meet your fellow community members. Masks and gloves will be mandatory and the tables will be spread out. For now all we need from you is for you to sign up. It will take less than 60 seconds by filling out this form here. If you do not take any action, you will continue to stay registered as "Traditional" with a pre-packed bag. IN SUMMARY: 1. We need you to register if you want to be a market-style or not. To do so please click HERE. 2. If we do not get a large percentage of signups, we will not be able to move forward. 3. Masks will be mandatory. We will provide one if you do not have one. 4. Gloves are mandatory. We will provide the gloves. 5. Roll out will be slow and may be limited to certain locations or parameters to ensure a smooth transition. __________________________________
Classes & Tours

We still have plenty of open spaces for the tours and a few more spaces for the classes. Classes and tours are back! That's right, we can't stay isolated forever, but the state wants us to carry some restrictions. So we will be limiting our classes and tours to 10 people and, unfortunately or not, masks will also be required. I know, it's not ideal, but it's what we got . If you would like to register for the class, it is first come, first serve. As such, I am not announcing this to non-members yet. To register, simply respond to this e-mail. Remember, that classes are free for all CSA members, though we do recommend a $20.00 donation to ACI for each class and a $10.00 donation for each tour to cover expenses. Class and Tour Schedule: The Four-Season Garden or Farm: This is a 5-part series that can be registered for the entire series or just one at a time. We will learn what it takes to grow and harvest food all year long, here in Colorado at elevation and in harsh temperatures. We will learn about the specifics to growing amazing crops in each season of the year and since we start in July there will be plenty of time for participants to set up their own four-season garden or farm starting in the fall. Classes are at 9am on the following Fridays: 7/17, 8/21, 9/18, 10/16, 11/20 Tours: Tours are always a good time and we always learn a lot too! Educational tours are centered on environmental stewardship and the pure standards we have set for our farm. We walk the entire farm and learn about biodiversity, microbiology, the benefits of no-till and our other sustainable farming methods. We talk about energy, nutritional density of our food and we even tour the wash-rooms, the nurseries, our blacksmith shop, our storage facilities and more. Tours start at 9am on the following Tuesdays: 6/30, 7/28, 8/25, 9/29. OUR FIRST CLASS is NEXT FRIDAY and we still have a few openings available. Don't forget to register! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
We would like to offer more classes, specifically on food preparation etc. If you are an individual that would be interested in using our facilities to host a class we would love to encourage this. Please reach out to us with your ideas. _________________________________

There are many lessons that I have learned over the years of building this farm. I have had many lessons on business, crops, biology, ecology and more. When we started this farm, this is exactly what it was about for me. It was strictly about making a difference through concrete results. In other words, we thought that being 100% solar powered, heirloom-only, no-tractor or tillage, no chemicals and on and on and on...that THAT was what this farm was really about. But I was wrong, it is only a part of it. When I got cancer, many people came to me and told me stories about how I, or this farm, have impacted their lives. Not one person has told me that I impacted their lives through the food we grew, or even from the lessons I have given them through my lectures, no, not one person told me that it was anything related to food at all, or environmentalism. What did they tell me? They told me about relationships and community, about sincerity, about purpose and about being part of something that gave them hope. They spoke to me about moments of kindness and inspiration and they told me of lessons learned and friendships gained. And do you know who the majority of those people were? It was the volunteers. It was the amazing volunteers who sacrifice a little time, who donate, who spread the word, come the events and get engaged with their food and the difference that this organization makes in the lives of thousands. In other words, those that gain the most are also the ones who give the most and this is a metaphor for life. We would LOVE for you to get involved with growing the food or harvesting the food, but there are many other ways to get involved too. There are volunteer opportunities at your CSA location, through fundraising, through education and outreach, our environmental programs, through administrative duties and more. So, Go HERE to learn more or E-mail us to present your idea!
Ahavah Community Initiative WOW! Thank you everyone who has been donating to our "Bring-a-Buck" campaign! Ever since we have put the jar back out, it has been getting filled! The ACI board thanks you! We thank you! The Ahavah Farm community thanks you! Most importantly, those that need it the most and receive the donations of food to help feed their families thank you the most! Help create access to the purest food on the planet and DONATE TODAY! We truly believe that Ahavah Community Initiative (501C3) is one of the best ways to make a direct impact on YOUR community. Our mission is simple and the finances are completely transparent. 100% of your donations go straight to supporting our mission to "connect under-served people to locally-farmed, regeneratively-grown produce..." etc. Our board is 100% volunteer and there is no paid staff. Our meetings are public and our minutes are available at request.
Please consider a tax deductible donation to ACI by clicking here and please consider making it a monthly donation by clicking the box:

Donate Now _________________________________
FALL CSA REGISTRATION... ...annnnnd, we are sold out!
Well, virtually anyway. We are so close to being sold out that we may open more memberships as we get closer to the fall and see how things are growing. Either way we are not advertising them and for the most part we are completely full, SO...THANK YOU!!!! __________________________________
I ran out of time this week and won't have the opportunity to write a "Did You Know." However, it does seem that not many people are reading this section. If you ARE reading this section, I would love to know if it is valuable to you or not. Thank you!! _________________________________
CSA Pickup Days and Times:
NOTATE TIMES: Times are subject to change.

COS North / Monument @ Beasts and Brews (7 Spectrum Loop, Ste. 140)
12pm to 1pm (Drive Thru)
NOTE: Beasts and Brews IS OPEN for business! They are doing take out orders and still offering a special discount for CSA members. Inquire inside or call ahead to pick up lunch to go! Go to to learn more.
Denver @ JCC (350 S. Dahlia St.):
2:30pm to 4pm (Drive thru)
Colorado Springs @ Ranch Foods Direct (4635 Town Center Dr.):
1pm to 2:30pm (Drive Thru)
2:30pm to 6pm (Inside store)
NOTE: The Ranch Food Direct Store IS OPEN! Please go in and support your local food producers - bread and baked goods, meats and veggies and so many other local goods and necessities. They are stocked! Go to to learn more!
Peyton @ Ahavah Farm (7545 Log Rd.):
10am to 11am (Drive Thru)

Be a part of our ZERO-WASTE mission here at Ahavah Farm and bring us your compost! PLEASE REMEMBER - NO PLASTIC BAGS. Want more information? CLICK HERE to learn about the program. Thank you everyone who has been bringing their compost! We are so excited that we can help on your mission to become Waste Free! __________________________________
BAGS! We need your bags!!!

Thank you to everyone who has brought us your bags!! This is so wonderful and such a huge blessing! A few things: 1. We only need/want your LARGE grocery bags returned. We do not want the small bags. 2. When we receive your bags we will quarantine them for 2 weeks before reusing them. 3. Thank you so much!! __________________________________
What to expect THIS week:
As always, nothing is guaranteed. These are the items that are "in season" and are anticipated to be ready this week (which may or may not be available at the CSA):
Small = 4-6 items per week
Medium = 7-9 items per week
Large = 10-12 items per week
Celery-iac - Something new this year that we are SUPER excited about! Expect this pretty regularly. The greens are very similar to celery and in many applications it can be used the same way: Soups and stews, saute's and casseroles and even juicing or eaten raw.Enjoy and gives us feedback on this crop.
Turnips - HUGE, beautiful, yummy and tender turnips! These are so good raw! They are my absolute favorite item to harvest and eat while walking around the farm. We also love them roasted. If you want an even sweeter bite, peel the outside of the turnip and enjoy. Sweet goodness these are yummy!
Radish Microgreens - A nice bite to these microgreens, they are loaded with nutrition, and according to an online survey, they are most beloved! Add as a topping to almost any dish or just eat straight away! (kohlrabi micros are coming next week!)
Arugula - Arugula is a great baby green that has a spicy and unique flavor. Try it raw, then try it cooked as it changes it's flavor. Add to any dish or stew...we love arugula in a frittata.
Tomatoes - Wow! The tomatoes are really coming in now! All shapes and sizes, colors and textures. They are delicious!
Basil - Basil this week - YAY!
Carrots - Yay! the carrots are back and they should be here for a while! You should expect them pretty much weekly from now on...and beets too.
Lettuce - This is the large red and green leaves that are amazing for sandwiches and as a more hardy bed.
Sunshoots - Oh my goodness! They are (as someone mentioned on FB) "like the good ole' days!" The sunshoots are back with a vengeance! Hands down these are the most beloved item we provide to our CSA, a staple from week in to week out.
Daikon Greens - Big beautiful bunches of tender and spicy greens. Great to add to a sandwhich, a stew or saute'd. I am sure you can find many ways to use these in scrambled eggs!!
Pea Shoots - We love these raw as an anytime snack. We also add them to soups. Like peas? You will love these.
Kale - our favorite variety of kale is this blue curled kale. It makes for such a nice salad and is versatile enough to eat cooked, steamed, saute'd, raw or in stews etc. If you are going to eat it raw - massage it first with the dressing to make for an amazingly tender kale salad!
Beets - BEETS! Beautiful beets! This is a new variety - we want feedback! Also, the greens are always amazing and many members actually prefer beet greens to the beets themselves! Beet salad is one of our family's favorites. Roasted and de-skinned, chopped up cold with parsley, lemon and salt. Simple yet delicious! Expect more of these regularly.
Peas - Yes, you read that right! Peas are coming, though we planted a different variety this year and the yeild is super small. Unfortunately we may not have much for the members this season! :(
Is that it? It's a lot, but I think so! I may be missing something...who knows, you might be surprised with something else too!
__________________________________ What to expect NEXT week:
The coming week's should continue to provide a bounty with loads of carrots, turnips, beets, tomatoes and more. The squash is finally getting larger and should be in your shares in a week or so. We also have more cabbage to come, scallions, more radishes, onions, garlic and herbs. That's it for this week! Love you to pieces! Yosef, Havah, Kids and Team The Camire Family
