Week 11 - Eleventh Week of Summer CSA 2020!

HELLO DEAR MEMBERS! Oh my! Can you believe it is ALREADY September? Not only that, but goodness gracious, it was a chilly 42 degrees this morning! Yikes! It will feel like a blink of the eyes and we will be in Fall and Winter. It's a crazy feeling to be in week 11 with only 4 weeks left to go!
There will be a slight transition into fall crops as we finish out the season. Many of the fall crops will be the same, but you will notice some new varieties that you haven't seen all year. You will also start to see more alliums, greens, herbs and roots and less tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers. Spinach will be returning in just a few weeks and we will have tatsoi, mustard and pak choy coming as well as leeks, onions and plenty of roots. The radishes will get sweeter and so will the carrots and other root crops, and to be honest, pretty much everything gets sweeter in the fall and winter.
I know, I know, I have talked about the fall season for three weeks in a row - enough already! I just can't help it, I have never been so excited for a season! Things are looking so, so good and the team is doing so awesome - how could I not be excited 😀!?
One thing to keep in mind: We have been having some severe pest pressure. The grasshoppers are killing our tomatoes and many of our greens. NONE of this reduces the quality of the produce besides the cosmetic damage. So, enjoy it just the same - it may just not be as pretty!
Enjoy your share this week and don't forget to join the fun and share your recipes and pictures in the Facebook Community Group!
We will have 10 Medium shares, 10 Small shares and 5 Large shares available for purchase. We will be advertising these shares for sale later this week, but for now, if you are a current CSA member and want to be a Fall member but missed the registration, now is your time to sign up!

See the weekly "What's in your Bag" e-mails that get sent on Wednesdays for your "extras" list.
For Payment: Cash or Check at the drops or the balance can be sent via PayPal to or via Venmo to 719-233-7828 or by paying with credit card over the phone.

Plenty of Room in our Upcoming Tours
We have one more tour for you to register for on 9/29, It's completely open, so register now!
Tour Schedule:
Tours: NEXT TOUR COMING UP: 9/29! Tours are always a good time and we always learn a lot too! Educational tours are centered on environmental stewardship and the pure standards we have set for our farm. We walk the entire farm and learn about biodiversity, microbiology, the benefits of no-till and our other sustainable farming methods. We talk about energy, nutritional density of our food and we even tour the wash-rooms, the nurseries, our blacksmith shop, our storage facilities and more.
Tours start at 9am on the following Tuesdays: 9/29 (OPEN).
We would like to offer more classes, specifically on food preparation etc. If you are an individual that would be interested in using our facilities to host a class we would love to encourage this. Please reach out to us with your ideas.

This is Brian. Many of you know Brian. You have either met Brian at one of the CSA locations, or perhaps you have chatted with him at one of our events or maybe you have seen one of his engaging posts in the Ahavah Farm Community Group. His face is everywhere, and his laugh and smile is one in a million!
Brian is the kind of guy that would give you the shirt off his back in an instant. He is a giver and he has given our community a lot. As a former chef, now suffering from EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome), Brian loves to cook and from time to time Brian will create items to sell for Ahavah Community Initiative to help members in need. As I mentioned, Brian has EDS and suffers terribly. However, he still finds a way to give to his community regularly. He does this with his tinctures and teas and dressings, but he also does it by volunteering on the farm or at the CSA locations (regardless of his incredible pain!), as well as being a heavily involved member in the community group and online. Whatever he does he does it for the benefit of the Ahavah Farm Community and he is not shy about his love for all his "peeps."😁
Thank you Brian for all you have done for us, our family and our community. The community is closer, more engaged, more energized and generally better off because of you! We love you Brian!
Want to get involved? E-mail us to let us know. We are always looking for volunteers and we would love for you to join the party!
The Bring-a-buck jar needs your dollars! Please don't forget to bring a single dollar every week! It's not much, and anyone can do it, but it only works if we ALL do it 🧡!
Help create access to the purest food on the planet and DONATE TODAY! We truly believe that Ahavah Community Initiative (501C3) is one of the best ways to make a direct impact on YOUR community. Our mission is simple and the finances are completely transparent. 100% of your donations go straight to supporting our mission to "connect under-served people to locally-farmed, regeneratively-grown produce..." etc. Our board is 100% volunteer and there is no paid staff. Our meetings are public and our minutes are available at request.
Please consider a tax deductible donation to ACI by clicking the button below, and please consider making it a monthly donation by clicking the box:


Did you know that if you have SNAP (aka EBT, AKA food stamps) we will offer to double your dollars? Yup! That's right and that's one of the coolest things that Ahavah Farm offers our members! SNAP, in and of itself, is not our favorite program. No, it's actually very clunky, expensive (yes!) and very inconvenient for our farm. Why do we do it? We do it because we care - that's it! There is no catch and there truly isn't much more to it than that. It creates extra headaches and paperwork and often times we don't even get paid (you can imagine how it is working with a government program, right?). 😀
Although it isn't the most beloved program for our farm, it is actually one of the coolest programs we offer because it's 100% about YOU! If you are a CSA member that has SNAP, we offer you $2 for every $1 you spend! Think about that! That's the purest possible produce you can find for the price that is less than the cheapest grocery store's non-organic and you can use SNAP to pay for it all! It's really a huge benefit to SNAP members and we want everyone to know about it so it can be taken advantage of.
How do we do it? Well, it's part of a state-sponsored program that Colorado offers calls "Double Up Colorado." You can click on the link to learn more about the program. We have to go through special training and an application process every year to re-qualify. There are also a lot of special rules. The bottom line is that we qualify and all our SNAP members do too and there is no catch and it's really easy to do - that's what matters! We have done this program now for two full years and it's been another great way for us to help fulfill our mission to our community by serving free food to families that are hurting. As often as we can give it away, we will! So, the next time you sign up for a CSA share or you go to purchase extras, you can now know that you can get 2x your money with our Double-Up SNAP program!
Any current members out there who didn't know? Contact Havah to switch to a SNAP share and get free food!
NOTATE TIMES: Times are subject to change.

(photo credit: Megiddeh Goldston)
COS North / Monument @ Beasts and Brews (7 Spectrum Loop, Ste. 140)
12pm to 1pm (Drive Thru)
NOTE: Beasts and Brews IS OPEN for business! They are doing take out orders and still offering a special discount for CSA members. Inquire inside or call ahead to pick up lunch to go! Go to to learn more.
Denver @ JCC (350 S. Dahlia St.):
2:30pm to 4pm (Drive thru)
Colorado Springs @ Ranch Foods Direct (4635 Town Center Dr.):
1pm to 2:30pm (Drive Thru)
2:30pm to 6pm (Inside store)
NOTE: The Ranch Food Direct Store IS OPEN! Please go in and support your local food producers - bread and baked goods, meats and veggies and so many other local goods and necessities. They are stocked! Go to to learn more!
Peyton @ Ahavah Farm (7545 Log Rd.):
10am to 11am (Drive Thru)

Be a part of our ZERO-WASTE mission here at Ahavah Farm and bring us your compost! PLEASE REMEMBER - NO PLASTIC BAGS. Want more information? CLICK HERE to learn about the program. Thank you everyone who has been bringing their compost! We are so excited that we can help on your mission to become Waste Free! __________________________________
BAGS! We need your bags!!!

Thank you everyone for recycling your bags with us! When we receive your bags we immediately quarantine them for 2 weeks before reusing them to ensure they are safe of any yuckies. Thank you for bringing them and any others you may have!
__________________________________ What to expect THIS week:
As always, nothing is guaranteed. These are the items that are "in season" and are anticipated to be ready this week (which may or may not be available at the CSA):
Small = 4-6 items per week
Medium = 7-9 items per week
Large = 10-12 items per week
Dill - super-tall dill this week! Yikes, how will we get this to you? It's huge!
Carrots - The best tasting carrots! The team had a hard time not eating them all as they were coming out of the ground today!
Kale - Blue curled kale is our favorite variety. Massage it! No, really! CLICK HERE
Turnips - White globes of sweetness! Nothing beats you tell me😁!
Radish Microgreens - The spicy variety of microgreens that we will be offering this week, though they will only be for sale and won't be included as part of the CSA this week.
Cabbage Microgreens - The sweet variety of microgreens. Like the radish micros, they will only be for sale and won't be included as part of the CSA this week.
Green Beans - These are the best green beans we have ever had. They take FOREVER to harvest, but they are worth it! Enjoy. :)
Chives - Bunches of chives to brighten almost any dish. Chives are sort of like a cross between garlic and scallions, but they are harvested without the roots - only the greens.
Tomatoes - Tons of tomatoes. Some minor grasshopper damage on some.
Basil - Remember to dry this if you don't use it! We give you a bunch too, so it's great for pesto!
Radishes - Depending on the harvest this week, we may only include them for sale.
Peppers - Yes, the peppers are in! Hopefully we will have them for a few weeks.
Squash - Squash is starting to come in, but as you saw above, we got hailed out yesterday so we aren't so sure about the yield.
Sunshoots - Our sunshoots have been on a roll for 4 straight weeks and the feedback is continuing to roll in about how much you all love these! We have had a few people say that once they got creative with them they fell in love with them. Here are a few great ideas for your sunshoots, the most nutritious thing we grow:
Pea Shoots - We love these raw as an anytime snack. We also add them to soups. Like peas? You will love these.
Cucumbers - Not a ton of cucs this week as it is our first real harvest, and as I mentioned last week, it won't be a huge harvest. It will probably be large shares only at first.
Swiss Chard - Big beautiful chard. Some minor grasshopper damage, but waxy and beautiful none the less.
Is that it? It's a lot, but I think so! I may be missing something...who knows, you might be surprised with something else too!
What to expect NEXT week:
No change from this week. We are planning a very large share next week with more of the same varieties. Next week may bring leeks, but if not it will be the next week. We also have loads of beautiful lettuce for you next week as well. That's it for this week! Love you to pieces! Yosef, Havah, Kids and Team The Camire Family
