We have 50 spots left for Fall - SIGN UP TODAY!
Dear Members, Supporters and Friends! We have now settled all of our auto renewal registrations, taken a look at all of our planning and have found that we have some room for more members! We would LOVE to have you join our community by signing up for our FALL 2021 CSA Program!

Registration is NOW OPEN for our 2021 Fall Veggie-Share Program: weekly boxes of freshly-harvested, beyond-organic veggies from Ahavah Farm.
🤩2021 Fall season is going to be the best! We've had a lot of rain so far this summer so all of our fall crops are coming along very well.
🥕 Fall crops include: Tomatoes, pumpkins, lettuce, turnips, beets, carrots, squash, kale, radishes, leeks, onions, potatoes, arugula, Mustard, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, microgreens and much more! It's the BEST season of the year!!!!!
🥬 Ahavah Farm CSA is the BEST way for you to access the freshest, purest, most environmentally supportive vegetables available. #beyondorganic
🥕Receive 14 Weeks of pure, beyond-organic, handcrafted and heirloom veggies HARVESTED FRESH just for you!
🥕 Door to door delivery available for only $10 per week
🥬 Microgreen CSA add-on option for ONLY $12.50/wk (save 17% per week)!!
🥕 Market Style has returned!!!! Your choice: Traditional pre-packed or Market-style.
🥬Membership gives access to all of our extra produce for sale (We participate in no farmers markets or public sales).
🥕Discounted (often free) classes, tours, and events
🥬Save 5% FOREVER by selecting "Auto-renew" at checkout!
🥕 Save 50% using SNAP benefits! That's right, you can get a share at half price using your EBT card because we are Colorado Double Up Bucks program partners! Just choose cash payment and add a note with the word "SNAP" and we will email you a payment plan!
Don't forget to sign up for our Microgreen CSA Membership too!
Love our microgreens!? Than this selection is for you! Receive 3 types of microgreens every week of the year and save 17% every single week!

Our microgreens are fresh and will last - unlike anything you can find in the store. We pride ourselves on our microgreen quality as being not only absolutely pure - grown without chemicals, fertilizers or inefficient energy (we grow with 100% solar, renewable energy!), but they are absolutely beautiful, long-lasting and delicious! Plus the packaging is plant based, not plastic, so it disintegrates with very hot water. They taste so good and are so good for you!
What's in a Microgreen Share?
In your share you will receive a combination of 3 microgreens every week with the option to purchase add-ons and extras when available. Every week we will be growing a mixture of microgreens and you will receive 3 selections of the following: Sunflower Shoots, Pea Shoots, Radish, Kale, Kohlrabi, Basil, Cilantro, Lettuce, Brocolli and more.
Pickup locations and times are the same as Ahavah Farm Veggie Share CSA and can even be added to your CSA delivery with no additional fees!