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Food Relief Fund Through ACI's Bring a Buck Program!

(This e-mail is for all CSA members and Non-members too whom are interested in participating and serving their community)

Hello Dear Ahavah FaRmily!

As many of you know, Ahavah Farm takes a break every year for the entire month of January meaning that ACI won't be awarding donated CSA Winter shares to families in need until the first week of February. However, we have a very special announcement - and we need all your help to make this happen!

With your help, we can all pull together as a community and alleviate some of the food insecurity that some of our members might be facing at the start of 2021. The plan is to do a food and fundraising drive in order to provide a large amount of non-perishable food to each of our struggling member-families who are currently receiving a donated CSA share.


We are asking all who are able, to bring non-perishable food like fresh fruit, root veggies, pasta and sauces, or even local Gift certificates to grocery stores, restaurants or the SOCO Virtual Market to ALL of the CSA pickup locations on the 17th and 18th of December.

Collections will be bagged and distributed at the CSA drops in all locations on December 24th to those families that need it the most and any leftover bags will be donated directly to Colorado Springs Food Rescue.

Don't have time to shop? The Ahavah Community Initiative board also approved every dollar raised from the Bring a Buck drive on the 17th and 18th (re-named Food Relief Fund Bring a Buck for this week) will go towards buying food staples and/or gift certificates for the drive.

Thank you for considering helping ACI stock pantries of those most in need in our community, as we always say "Every dollar counts" and in this case every can, box of pasta, apple, etc counts!

If you want to donate directly to ACI (tax-deductible donation) in lieu of shopping or bringing a donation to one of the CSA locations, you can do so by clicking this Paypal link here.


PICKUP LOCATIONS and Times for DONATION COLLECTION on Dec. 17th and 18th:


  • COS North / Monument @ Beasts and Brews (7 Spectrum Loop, Ste. 140)

  • 12pm to 1pm (Drive Thru)

  • NOTE: Beasts and Brews IS OPEN for business! They are doing take out orders and still offering a special discount for CSA members. Inquire inside or call ahead to pick up lunch to go! Go to to learn more.

  • Denver @ JCC (350 S. Dahlia St.):

  • 2:30pm to 4pm (Drive thru)


  • Colorado Springs @ Ranch Foods Direct (4635 Town Center Dr.):

  • 1pm to 2:30pm (Drive Thru)

  • 2:30pm to 6pm (Inside store)

  • NOTE: The Ranch Food Direct Store IS OPEN! Please go in and support your local food producers - bread and baked goods, meats and veggies and so many other local goods and necessities. They are stocked! Go to to learn more!

  • Peyton @ Ahavah Farm (7545 Log Rd.):

  • 10am to 11am (Drive Thru)

ACI Board of Directors

Yosef, Havah, Lyn, Mark, Patty, Erin, Anna and Asta





7545 Log Rd.

Peyton, CO 80831




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