See Below for details!

So far, we have raised a total of $3,710.00 towards our goal for the GIVE! 2021 local non-profit campaign Thank you all so much!!! But we still have a long way to go to get to $5,000.
If we get to $5,000 we will have the ability to donate fresh, local, beyond-organic vegetables to up to 15 families for the entire 12 week long Spring 2021 season - FRESH VEGGIES EVERY WEEK FOR 3 MONTHS TO UP TO FAMILIES IN NEED - WOW!!
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts and the hearts of those you serve through your donations!!
“I just truly hope I have conveyed my deepest appreciation to all of you for all you do for us…you have greatly expanded my knowledge and my desire to learn more! Not to mention the delicious food you place upon our table!!!! Again thank you!” - Maria C.
Founded in April of 2018, our mission is to connect people who are facing food insecurity due to financial struggles to locally-farmed, regeneratively-grown produce, and to provide education centered around healthy living and environmental consciousness.
We do this by offering donated Ahavah Farm CSA memberships. Memberships include a weekly

bag of produce along with discounted (often free) farm tours, classes, and events centered around healthy living, environmental conscienceness, and growing food regeneratively.
Ahavah Community Initiative is a one-of-a-kind, registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves our community in a unique and wholesome way. Being a registered non-profit means that your donations are tax deductable!
“…receiving these donated shares has been life changing...and now not only am I able to cook and eat healthy, but also be a part of an amazing community that works together to continue the mission of feeding people and healing the earth!!!” – Brian G.
Since 2018 our community, YOU, have done the following:

Donated over 220 CSA memberships to families in need! - A value of over $85,000.00 of free food - OVER 3,000 weekly BAGS of veggies😮!
Facilitated the donation of 73 Double Up Food Buck Grants valued at over $15,000.00 of free food!
Donated 400 plants to families in need, so they can grow their own gardens!
Taught 46 full-length classes on regenerative and biological agriculture, fermentation, environmental classes, nursery classes and children's classes..
Attended 54 outreach events to spread regenerative agriculture education to our community including school events, speaking engagements and markets.
Have provided 35 educational tours.
Hosted 6 large public community events.
Hosted 5 regenerative farming interns.
In addition, Ahavah Farm (aside from ACI) has donated an additional $75,000+ worth of free food to numerous outlets and families in our local community making the total OVER $160,000.00 of FREE FOOD DONATIONS!!
When families fill out the application and are approved, Ahavah Community Initiative

donates a CSA share membership to that family. The family then receive all the benefits of the CSA membership including all discounted (often free) classes, tours, and events in addition to the weekly produce. Last fall we had over 60 applications and we were not able to award a membership to all of them. The more donations we receive the more people we can help ...and there are a lot of hurting people. Please, don't put this off, every single $1 helps.
“Words cannot convey the gratitude I have for the Ahavah Community. Supporting our family in this time of need has been an incredible blessing. Thank you!” - Amanda H.