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Ahavah Farm Community News

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

Newsletter for Week 5 of Spring CSA 2022

Hello FaRmily!

Yikes! To say these past few weeks have been busy is an understatement! We have a brand-new commercial agriculture well being drilled as I write this. We have the nursery build-out and opening coming next week, the farmer's market organization and opening is also next week, we have all the potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, onions, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage being put in, we celebrated Asher's birthday this week and Passover last week and we have all of our regular operations happening all at the same time! It simply doesn't stop at Ahavah and I often just shake my head at how much we do - it's kinda nuts!

👉There is a new section titled "Around the Farm" this week, there is also a new article, some very important updates and a new video update as well. See below for all the details!





PS. In the coming weeks we will be changing the newsletter entirely. This will become the main communication tool and platform for all communication and Facebook will eventually be completely phased out. We will also be updating and utilizing our website on a broader scale. keep an eye out for those changes in the coming weeks and months.

REMINDER:👉 Every week we will be sending out this newsletter on Monday/Tuesday and every Thursday we post to the blog and to the Ahavah Community Facebook Group all the details of your bag contents, the extras available for purchase and what to expect to be available for Market-Style members. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO BE AWARE OF CHANGES AND UPDATES DUE TO WEATHER AND CHANGES DUE TO HOLIDAYS OR OTHER UNPREDICTABLE SITUATIONS THAT MAY ARISE (we are a small family farm, not a grocery store, after all😄 )

👉Please see the weekly updates below including a word from Farmer Yosef, some educational articles, announcements, changes, interviews, highlights and more.

📢See below for event updates, new articles and announcements!📢

Enjoy your shares this month and don't forget to join the fun and share your recipes and pictures in the Facebook Community Group!




New Section! - 👩‍🌾Around the Farm👩‍🌾

👈As you can see, a new well is being dug on our farm. For the last 7 years we have been leasing our water from a neighbor's commercial agricultural well. This year it was time to put in our own. $105k for the well and $7k in lawyers fees later and we will have our own commercial ag well. Something that feels very legitimizing, I must say!

👉The whole family got involved in planting the "Cool Crop House" with broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. So much fun! We surround our cool crop house and put a roof over it with shade cloth - this protects the plants from the intensity of the sun, the wind, bugs and hail!

👈Just look at those gorgeous daikon's😮! This week's harvest was limited in variety, but it was still beautiful as referenced here and modeled by our most amazing Casey!

👉The Onions were planted this week! So exciting! That's something like 8,000 onions that were planted this year! Less than last year, but we are hoping for a larger harvest as we test out plant spacing.

👈Nursery Orders are going out! Check out these amazing plants from the most amazing nursery in the world!😍

👉The nursery is opening next Monday and we are SOOOOOO excited! We hope you will come by and support us!🙏 Open Monday through Friday, 9am to 3pm!






We are getting so excited about our opening of the Ahavah Farm Nusery & Garden Center! Inventory is starting to move in as we start to build out our space and prepare for May 2nd, our Grand Opening!

We will BE OFFERING the purest, locally grown plant starts (the majority are heirloom crops and they are all successful to our area, started from seed - all Organic with no fertilizers or chemicals of any kind!).

We will also have planter boxes, pots, soil and other items available. Come check us out and support us as we start small and aim for a bright future of supporting our Calhan, Peyton, Falcon communities!

📢Our May 2nd Grand Opening will be from 9am to 3pm and all items will be a whopping 20% off for the day only! Don't miss it!

Come to 7545 Log Rd, in Peyton CO 80831 and get your garden started and save 20%!





Hello my dear friends and FaRmily ❤! SO MUCH IS GOING ON! Check out this week's video update with all the details!

Weekly update with announcements.

0:01 - Intro

0:15 - Huge things happening!

3:50 - Last week's CSA recap.

5:00 - This week's CSA preview.

5:40 - 20% Savings - NURSERY GRAND OPENING!

6:20 - Farmer's Market

7:30 - Did someone say "Trees!?"

8:40 - Playground!

10:20 - Outro and Recap




We are now on Twitter!

Yes, Twitter has been in the news a lot lately, and no, that's not why we are jumping in. Actually, this has been in the "thought-shed" for quite awhile now. Well, it's here. Join us - we'll see how much we utilize it and go from there!

Come Follow Us

Click the bird to follow us!





📢VOLUNTEER DAY - May 1st @ 10am!📢

Please let Jessie know you would like to come out and help plant the tomatoes, it's going to be a lot of fun!

Our volunteers are the backbone of our organization and we couldn't do it without them... but we need more help! We need help with so many things, things like:

  • Construction Projects

  • Landscaping Projects

  • Composting Projects

  • Harvesting, washing and prep.

  • Weeding

  • Bag Packing

  • Teaching Classes

  • General farm cleanup

  • and a skill you want to share? Let us know!

Volunteering is Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4PM.

Please let Jessie know you are interested, she will send more information and necessary paperwork, and we will welcome you with open arms!




🚨NEW - Farmer's Market 🚨

Mark your calendars for Friday May 6th from 9am to 12pm and every Friday after that until the Fall! We will be hosting the Ahavah Farm Farmer's Market during our current CSA drop with lot's of local vendors, classes, tours and activities. Our current lineup of vendors include vegetables, eggs, meat, baked goods, cosmetics, wood working, crafts, children's activities and more. Here is the list - SO FAR!



Ahavah Farm (Vegetables)✨ Greenland Flower Fields (Flowers) ✨ Sweet Things Bakery (Baked Goods) ✨ Ahavah Farm Nursery (Garden Plants) ✨ Ogalala Empire (Lakota Jewelry) ✨ Forget Me Not Farms (Flowers)✨ Simply All Natural (Bath and Body Products) ✨ Macaroni Kids (Childrens Activities) ✨ Brio Brew (Mushroom Elixir) ✨ Heritage Belle Farms (Eggs and Meat) ✨ Ahavah Community Initiative (Non-profit. Classes and Events nearly every Market) ✨ YOUTH BUSINESS!! River's Wigglers (Garden and Fishing Worms) ✨ The Sourdough Boulangerie (Baked Goods and Breads) ✨ Active Chiropractor Wellness (Mobile Chiropractic Care) ✨ YOUTH BUSINESS!! The Echo of the Anvil (Asher's blacksmithing and creations) ✨ Bar UC Ranch (Meat)

We are so excited about our current line-up of vendors, but we are still seeking more!

👉If you are a local vendor and are interested in attending our FREE farmer's market, please reach out directly at and we will send you information and the vendor agreement.





Brought to you by ACI (Ahavah Community Initiative)

Our classes have been amazing so far!

So far we have had our first tour of the year, a storytime with Ms. Tracy and two gardening classes...and there is so much more to come! We have 31 events scheduled this year for adults AND kids, be sure to sign up!

Register at and be sure to checkout the rest of the classes - there's a ton going on!




Ahavah Farm & Ahavah Community Initiative UPCOMING Schedule

👉April 29th @ 9am: Farm Tour

👉May 1st @ 10am: VOLUNTEER DAY - Tomato 🍅🍅 Planting and more!

👉May 2nd @ 10am: Ahavah Farm Nursery & Garden Center Grand Opening! (please note the correction in dates)

👉May 6th @ 10am: Class #3 of 4 - Full Season Garden Class.

👉May 6th @ 9am: Farmer's Market Begins (Through September)

👉May 13th @ 9am: KIDS CLASS! Painting with Tess (during Market).

👉May 23rd @ 10am: Farm Tour





Please be sure to check out the extras table, available for all members and even NON-MEMBERS!

Simply come to any of the CSA locations on Thursday and Friday and pick up some of our beyond-organic veggies for sale!

Winter and Early Spring selection is limited.

And as always, remember: SNAP PARTICIPANTS ALWAYS RECEIVE 50% OFF!! & all prices are


For Payment:  Cash or Check at the drops or the balance can be sent via PayPal to or Venmo to 719-233-7828





Try traditional. Try market. Try them both!!

Did you know that you can choose either Traditional OR Market-style for your CSA membership? That's right, and it's one of the things that makes the Ahavah Farm CSA program unique. Not sure which one to try? Try them both - feel free to change your share selection any week. Simply e-mail Jessie and let her know that you would like to change from a Market to Traditional or vice-versa any time you choose. PS. You can do the same with your locations!





Did you know Ahavah Farm accepts EBT / SNAP and DOUBLES your value with the help of #doubleupcolorado !?

Not only do we accept EBT / SNAP for our CSA memberships and extras, but did you know that SNAP members also get DOUBLE the value when using their benefits!? That's a 50% savings on the freshest, purest, most nutrient-dense veggies you can find!

To sign up, simply go to and when checking out, select "Pay Offline". Then send us a quick email letting us know that you will be using your EBT and we will add it to your membership!




⚠ ⚠ ⚠ BAGS! We need your bags (PLEASE🙏) !!⚠ ⚠ ⚠

Thank you everyone for recycling your LARGE bags with us! When we receive your bags we immediately quarantine them for 2 weeks before reusing them to ensure they are safe of any yuckies. Thank you for bringing them and any others you may have (we need any large PAPER-ONLY grocery bags you may have) THANK YOU!





Refer a friend to Ahavah Farm's CSA and you BOTH will receive $35 in credit to use ANYTIME you want! Use to buy extra vegetables, or take $35 off your next CSA purchase - your credit will never expire!

New members simply send an e-mail to to let us know who referred you and you BOTH receive your $35 certificate! It's that easy!😁





I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about today, or if I just wanted to skip this week, or maybe even recycle an old article. See, I'm sick today 😒. I've been sick for a few days. I also have both Ovi and Elisheva LITERALLY climbing on me as I type this because Havah is at the doctor and the rest of the family has their chores

to do on the farm. So here I sit, coughing, sneezing, sniffling and feeling like absolute garbage while being whacked in the head (lol, literally just now😄) with a pillow as the kids coral and climb all over me (now Elisheva is stuffing a piece of paper in my pocket), while I try and answer the team over the walkie talkie, write this entire newsletter and take continuous trips to the fields to help the team while running back and forth to various areas on the farm to help out others...while sick, ugh👎.

So...instead of recycling an article, I figured I would write a few paragraphs about gratefulness🥰! My life sure does sound insane sometimes (this is typical by the way!), and it is insane. I work from before sun-up to after sun-down, I manage 13 employees, one of the largest CSA's in the State, a Nursery and Garden Center, a Non-Profit, a real-estate rental business and now a farmer's market...never mind my biggest job: Raising 7 amazing children and prioritizing my marriage of 19 years (and I should add in there that I am still doing modified cancer treatment - which takes lots of time!). Complicated doesn't begin to cut it, but I also like it this way. Havah and I thrive under pressure and we take our duty as humans and members of our planet and species seriously: To make the biggest impact and to live to our highest potential. This means high amounts of effort, extremely complicated and rough travels, but huge reward and benefit as well.

The life we have made was not given or handed to us. We worked tirelessly for it (and still do!) and made the decision to homeschool, live a plant-based life, farm and live intentionally. We were broke when we started and we have had many obstacles along the way (think cancer, Bomb Cyclone Ulmer, complications from Covid, Teva Organics closing and the hail of 16' just to name a few), the tensions were (and are) high and so is the stress, yet we pushed through, never giving up and leaning on our community and the closeness of family. The weather is a struggle every day and rude customers destroy our days, but this life is nothing short of the most amazing life I think I could ever imagine. I asked Havah one day what she would say to me on my death bed and she replied: "Thanks for a full life." That just about sums it up. Our lives are full, like really, really full! Sure, I would love to work less (maybe), have a better back and better health and I would love to have more money, a house without mice and holes and more than 1,200 square feet of living space for a family of 9(!), but it's still the most beautiful life I can ever imagine having - and it's what we chose, sacrificed for and have attained by the blessing of God!

What makes me so grateful and joyful about the life we have built on the farm is this: Our children have access to Havah and I nearly 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Just think about that. How many children get to be raised with both of their parents, work with both of their parents and experience nearly every aspect of growing up with BOTH of their parents? Every single boo-boo or knee that gets scraped, every school lesson and every life-lesson that gets taught, every moment of discipline, encouragement, embarrassment and thousands of opportunities to share memorable fun-filled, or laughter-filled moments are all opportunities that our family gets to celebrate and cherish every single day.

The joy and fulfillment that we are rewarded with, the deep lessons, emotional grounding and

physical and mental health from this way of life is something that I can only attempt to convey through words and I try to do so not only to express my gratitude, but to encourage others to perhaps contemplate or attempt to instill some of these "togetherness" principles into their own family-life, regardless of the sacrifice it takes.

Simply stated, although our lives are complex, complicated, over-worked, busy-to-no-end and quite long-suffering, the ability to live a fluid life in and amongst each other is something that trumps all the sacrifice and struggles and makes it not just worth it, but something to strive for. I could complain about so many things every day. I could complain about my health, rude customers, mistakes by employees, the rascally children, our finances and a myriad of other things, but I think I would rather be grateful today and I wanted to share a little off-the-cuff😉.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!





ACI currently has a few board openings and we are taking applications until vacant positions are filled. If you are interested in being considered as a member of our board we would love to hear from you!

All board appointments are two year commitments with monthly board meetings, events and official activities requiring board presence. We anticipate that all board members provide a personal, anonymous, donation to ACI as well as be an active participant in serving our community.





"Hi, nice to see you! Did you bring your buck today!?"

These are the words you should hear every week when you show up at the CSA locations to get your veggies.

That's because, supporting families in need through ACI, is the MOST IMPORTANT and BEST part of being a CSA member with Ahavah Farm! Don't say your $1 isn't important! IT IS!! The Bring-A-Buck program is how ACI has sustained its food donations, so we thank you members! - EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS!




NEW - Meet YOUR Community!

Meet Lorin, the most amazing Nursery Manager in the world! Well...she is, she really really is!

👉I have had a pretty bad cold over the last few days and am staying away from the team. I'm sorry there is no interview this week. Here is a repeat from week number one, with Lorin, our amazing nursery manager!




Microgreen CSA Shares Are Available! Sign Up Today and SAVE 💲💲💲!

Microgreen CSA Share: 3 Servings of Microgreens EVERY WEEK! Save 17%!!!

Love our microgreens but haven't signed up for a Microgreen CSA?

You can sign up anytime after January 26, 2022 to receive your weekly Microgreen CSA starting the first week of February. You can cancel anytime in 2022 too!

All Packaging is Compostable and Green!👉👉

We pride ourselves on our microgreen quality as being not only absolutely pure - grown without chemicals, fertilizers or inefficient energy (we grow with 100% solar, renewable energy!), but they are absolutely beautiful, long-lasting and delicious! We really can't rave enough!

WHAT'S IN A SHARE? In your Microgreen CSA you will receive a combination of 3 microgreens every week with the option to purchase add-ons and extras when available.

Pickup locations and times are the same as Ahavah Farm Veggie Share CSA but you do not have to be a veggie-share member to be a microgreen CSA member - these are two independent programs combined into one.

Order yours today at



Be a part of our ZERO-WASTE mission here at Ahavah Farm and bring us your compost!  PLEASE REMEMBER - NO PLASTIC BAGS or Animal products (except egg shells). Want more information?  CLICK HERE to learn about the program. Thank you everyone who has been bringing their compost!  We are so excited that we can help on your personal mission to become Waste Free!





Times are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

**Please be aware that it is your responsibility to check the newsletter at for updated information and changes.

North Colorado Springs @ Colorado Mountain Brewery


- 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

- 1110 Interquest Parkway,

Colorado Springs, CO 80921


Denver @ Jewish Community Center

NOW INSIDE! Turn left, park then use main enterance. Bring ID. Thanks.

- 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
- 350 S. Dahlia St, Denver CO 80246
Peyton @ Ahavah farm



- 1o:00 AM to 11:00 AM

- 7545 N. Log Rd., Peyton, CO 80831

ATTENTION FARM PICKUP MEMBERS! There is a new location. Please see the map above and the video to the right👉! We are so excited because this will make things easier and more streamlined for

weather interruptions and a much shorter walk! We even have introduced Handicapped Parking!

Central Colorado Springs @ Ranch Foods Direct

NOW INSIDE! Enter the bay right of the main enterance.


- 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM (All)

- 2:31 PM to 6:00 PM (Traditional ONLY)

- 4635 Town Center Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80916




This Week's Harvest

As always, nothing is guaranteed. These are the items that are "in season" and are anticipated to be ready this week (which may or may not be available at the CSA).

  • Small = 4-6 items per week

  • Medium = 7-9 items per week

  • Large = 10-12 items per week

  1. Garlic Greens - So yummy and one of the mostest favoritest veggies we provide 😄! You thought our garlic was good!? HA HA HA, these greens will blow you away - and I bet you didn't even know they were edible!? Well, the members who have been with us know that we grow the garlic more for the greens than the bulbs! Expect them regularly and enjoy them raw or cooked in everything from salads to stews - you got to go to the Ahavah Community group on Facebook and ask for Brian's garlic butter recipe! 😋

  2. Lettuce - Large leaf lettuce - It has been a hard time growing this lettuce so far this year, but here will be a very beautiful cut. It's the best lettuce we grow!

  3. Redbor Kale and Darkibor Kale - Some of the most amazing kale you have ever seen or tasted! Taste is NOTHING like in the store - those that know, know! Try some this week, massage is real good, follow one of THESE recipes and let your tastebuds have a party!

  4. Arugula - Oh, this is such a wonderful and unique green! Delicious raw, and a completely different veggie when saute'd or added to a dish, eggs or a stew. LOVE ARUGULA!

  5. Swiss Chard - One of my absolute favorite greens to saute' and wilt deeply. I love garlic, oil and salt and taking this amazingness and adding it to a bed of rice or quinoa and adding in different vegetables, some tofu (or meat) and then we love an asian peanut-based dressing and it's to die for.

  6. Salad Mix lettuce- A beautiful and soft/fluffy salad mix (with some arugula and flowers mixed in - YUM!). perfect for a salad base or even a bed of rice etc.

  7. Bravo Daikon Radishes - these daikons are the best daikons of all! Absolutely gorgeous in appearance, delicious greens and the most tender of the daikons! Learn more here.

  8. Plants - There will be plenty of plants to choose as an item this week, even some garden varieties. Enjoy!

  9. Living Herb - The majority of the plants this week will be parsley, but we have others to choose from as well including some amazing.

  10. Dried Herbs - Basil, dill, mint and fennel (our herb room smells like heaven!😇).

  11. Radish Microgreens - Next to the barley grass and the sunshoots, radish microgreens are some of the most nutritiously-dense items we grow on the farm and not only that, but during our annual survey last year, they ranked as the #1 most requested and love item we grow! They have a fantastic bite to them, last considerably long in the refrigerator and are beautiful in appearance.

  12. Pea Shoots - One of the most desired and sought after items we provide are these pea shoots! Quite literally the best you added to any dish or salad. Our favorite way is to add them to stews and soups. A perfect topper too! Here are four fun ways to use Pea Shoots:

  13. Broccoli Microgreens - Last week we told you that Radish Microgreens were the #1 most loved item we grow, well, these microgreens weren't on the list then! I have a sneaking suspicion that these microgreens are the real winners!

  14. Sunshoots - Our sunshoots are certainly some of the nicest, most high-quality sunshoots you will ever find (that actually goes for all our microgreens). They are one of the most beloved items we grow as well and a regular staple to our CSA. Here are some ideas to use your sunnies this week:

That's it for this week! We love you to pieces, are incredibly grateful for each and every one of you and we are blessed to the core to be YOUR farmers!!

Yosef, Havah, Kids and Team The Camire Family





7545 Log Rd.

Peyton, CO 80831




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