*Memberships are limited and acceptance is based on needs and funds available to meet the needs. We do not solicit or keep your information. We are simply a registered 501c3 non-profit organization with a mission of donating free CSA memberships to those facing food insecurity due to financial hardships.
Matching Grants Needed for the 2021 Indy Give! Campaign
Would you like to support Ahavah Community Initiative through the 2021 Indy Give! Campaign?

We are currently collecting matching grant agreements, a matching grant agreement is a pledge to match donations from others during the live campaign in November and December. Your particiapation says to the public, "I beleive in this organization so much that I will match your donation up to $ [amount]."
The agreements are due to ACI by 25 August but the money isn't due to Give! until the first week of October, they set a $500 minimum for matching grants. We will have our end of year campaign where we collect other donations to match yours then we will be ready to help more families in need during 2022!
💖 If you or your business would like to participate, please reachout directly to Beka Perkins, ACI Administrator , via email at aci@ahavahcommunity.org. You can also read more about it or apply using the Matching Grant Information Sheet at https://www.ahavahcommunity.org/ahandup
✨✨Not able to do a matching grant right now? ✨✨
You can still help a family in need by making a smaller donation directly to Ahavah Community Initiative!
When families fill out the application and are approved, Ahavah Community Initiative donates a CSA share membership to that family. The family then receiv nm, es all the benefits of the CSA membership including all discounted (often free) classes, tours, and events in addition to the weekly produce. Last fall we had over 60 applications and we were not able to award a membership to all of them. The more donations we receive the more people we can help ...and there are a lot of hurting people. Please, don't put this off, every single $1 helps. “I just truly hope I have conveyed my deepest appreciation to all of you for all you do for us…you have greatly expanded my knowledge and my desire to learn more! Not to mention the delicious food you place upon our table!!!! Again thank you!” - Maria C.